Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker Proposes a More Than 50% Cut to Arts and Culture Funding
Massachusetts State House. Photo by Flickr User Daniel Mennerich. Used under the Creative Commons License.
Being an artist in Boston can be at times, frustrating and infuriating. Every year we have to call our State Representatives and Senators and lobby them to not slash the arts and culture budget. After a long fight this year (and every year for that matter) to keep the arts and culture budget at $14 million in the State House and Senate for fiscal year 2017, on Friday, July 8, Republican Governor Charlie Baker issued a budget veto that would slash funding for the arts, humanities, and sciences through the Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) by more than half. The veto would reduce that by $7.7 million, to $6.5 million. This is tragic.
Funding for the arts, humanities, and sciences through the Massachusetts Cultural Council is at risk of being slashed. You know what to do, please encourage your representative in the House and Senate to override Governor Charlie Baker’s veto. Click here to contact your Massachusetts Senate and State Representative.